Short Bulletin Article
14 Dec 2008

"I Bring You Good News of Great Joy"

Source/Author: Dr. Michael Dalseno

Every Christmas we are reminded of the day “good news” came to the world, with the birth of the Christ child.


By Dr.M.P. Dalseno

This “good news” from Luke 2.10 still resonates to this very day. It was first heard by humble shepherds watching over their flocks, and announced by a single angel who “suddenly” appeared before them. If anyone needed to hear good news, it was surely this group of social outcasts deemed ceremonially unclean and of low social estate.


Every Christmas we are reminded of the day “good news” came to the world, with the birth of the Christ child. But from the way Luke uses the expression, always in verbal (doing) form, it is very clear that this good news is ongoing and active. It has never really stopped.


Optimism is, unfortunately, in very short supply in our world sometimes. People become overcome by events, overwhelmed with problems, and overpowered by circumstances sometimes beyond their control. It is therefore absolutely vital that we put our “hope in God” (Ps 43.5), or we will surely become disoriented and disillusioned. Few trials are as debilitating as a bad dose of pessimism.


“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love” (1Cor.13.3). Though some of our dreams be shaken, this “triumphant-three” perennially “remain.” Without “faith,” we are wandering; without “love,” we are wanting; and without “hope,” we are wasting. They are lifejackets indeed in a sea of turmoil. Without them, some unplanned life circumstances will attempt to submerge you deeper and deeper into ocean’s depths. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (Jn.16.33).


Don’t get caught up in a “doom and gloom” atmosphere or you will surely go under. Who knows, maybe your difficult times will even bring to light new and unprecedented opportunities, allowing you to sail into hitherto unforeseen new and rewarding ventures. You may not be able to do much about the circumstances, but you can do a lot about the way you respond to them. The Lord says, “I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you…plans to give you a hope and a future” (Jer.29.11). “Good news” without question.