Short Bulletin Article
09 Mar 2011

Your Salvation is Nearer Now ...

Source/Author: Dr Michael Dalseno

Scripture speaks of salvation in three time dimensions; past, present and future. In a sense we were saved, are being saved, and have yet to be saved.

“Your Salvation is nearer now…”            by Dr  D

After directing the reader’s attention to the Commandments and his/her attentiveness to obey them, Paul says, “Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we first believed” (Romans 13.11). What does he mean by our salvation “is nearer?” Weren’t we saved when we first believed?

Scripture speaks of salvation in three time dimensions; past, present and future. In a sense we were saved, are being saved, and have yet to be saved. Paul says in Ephesians 2.8, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God” (a past sense). He also says, “… they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved” (Acts 2.46-47) (a present sense; see also 1Cor.15.2). And then Paul adds something like Matthew 10.22, “It is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved” (a future sense), not to mention Romans 13.11 as cited above.

Salvation, it seems, rests on Christ’s past work on the Cross, on our believing in Jesus on a daily basis, and on some future event that only Christ can complete when we go to be with the Lord. But lets' focus briefly on the future dimension. Why is our salvation “nearer than when we first believed?”

For one thing, it is a very humbling matter when we realize that we have yet to hear Christ's words, "well done true and faithful servant … enter into the joy of the Lord” (Matt. 25.21). We are advancing nearer to heaven and daily approaching the heavenly Kingdom, and in prospect of that state we ought to lay aside every sin that so easily besets us (Heb.12.1) and live more and more in preparation for His Kingdom.

There is more. The decisive day of Christ’s second coming is looming and believers must live in an attitude of wakeful expectancy; living faithfully for Christ, fulfilling their call, and contributing their lives to the expansion of the Kingdom. We must pay heed to our way, knowing that our journey’s end is nearer than “when we first believed.” The nearer we get to this, like a runner going for the prize (1Cor.9.24, Phil.3.14) the quicker our motion should be in our quest to get there.

There is, in fact, only a step between us and heaven, and so we must caution becoming dull in our focus, lukewarm in our expression, blunt in the sharpness of our arrow, or a lost prodigal on a selfish road to nowhere. Our ultimate salvation is “nearer,” but not all there yet. So be humble, be faithful, “awaken from sleep,” and fulfill your part in the Body of Christ.