Short Bulletin Article
19 Mar 2019

God's Presence: According to the Pattern

Source/Author: Dr Michael Dalseno

1 Chronicles 13 tells the story. What started so well, with good intentions, ended in catastrophe. One of the priests, Uzzah, attempted to steady the Ark from potentially falling when the oxen upset it.

God’s Presence: According to the Pattern  (1 Chronicles Ch’s 13-15)   Dr D

After David was crowned King over all Israel, one of the first things on his agenda was to bring God’s presence into the royal city of Jerusalem. To his credit, he well understood the necessity of God’s presence to a successful reign.

The Ark of the Covenant was firmly established as the place where God’s presence resided, and where He communed with the high priest (Ex.25). Its special lid was called the ‘Mercy Seat,’ for on it was sprinkled the blood sacrifice for the atonement of sins (Lev. Ch 16). It was this same Ark, located at the House of Abinadab for 20 years, that David wanted to retrieve following a very neglectful need for it during the reign of king Saul. This, of course, required transportation.

1 Chronicles 13 tells the story. What started so well, with good intentions, ended in catastrophe. One of the priests, Uzzah, attempted to steady the Ark from potentially falling when the oxen upset it, only to have the Lord strike him down. David reacted with anger and fear, and was totally confused about what to do with it. The Ark was immediately ‘conveniently’ dispatched to another house, Obed-Edom, where it remained for some time.

Meanwhile, David needed to learn some lessons about the Ark, and two Philistine wars in 1Chronicles Ch 14 provided just the interlude for this. He soon discovered that God is ‘Lord of the Breakthrough’ (14.11), and whether a matter was about winning a battle or about moving the Ark, things had to be done God’s way; ‘according to the pattern.’

From this narrative we can learn some seminal lessons about the Presence of God and holy living. David soon discovered that: 1 The Ark was to be covered during transportation; 2 it had to be carried on its respective poles; and 3 only the sons of Kohath were to carry it, on their shoulders.

Hence, 1 Chronicles Ch 15, in the flowing narrative, witnesses David successfully bringing the Ark to Jerusalem; now ‘according to the pattern.’ So, what may we learn from all this? For one thing, receiving and maintaining the presence of God in our midst is about following Gods pattern. As Prov. 14.12 says, ‘There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.’ For another thing, we ought to live according to God’s pattern, and this means not being conformed to the ‘pattern of this world’ (Ro. 12.2). 

Many worldviews, philosophies, social agendas, negative media influences, left wing liberalism, and the like, plague our world today, and we must be highly vigilent, and careful, to live according to God’s ‘pattern’ and not the world’s. This is probably the best way to ensure life, family, work, and ministry success. Let’s renew our resolve today to live according to God’s pattern set before us! No doubt we will save ourselves a lot of pain.